iStar for schools

school children enjoying science
Photo of teddy bear

Barnaby Bear goes South!

Throughout the science programme we will involve teachers and schools by reporting our ‘science in action’ on this website.  A soft toy has been given to one of the project teams as a mascot.   Follow the adventures of Eaton School’s Barnaby Bear as he ‘goes south’.

Louise Biddle has teamed up with Education through Expeditions  From 22 January Louise will see joining 24 colleagues on the RRS James Clark Ross for the Ice2ocean investigation.  You can follow Louise on

We plan to demonstrate our experiments at Science Festivals, including the Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition, and following on from this year’s effort to explain why a Sea glider is more useful than a saucepan!

Our work with the media to explain iSTAR research will result in popular articles in newspapers and magazines as well as radio and TV broadcasts.  Keep watching the website for the latest updates.

In the meantime why not have a play with an award-winning interactive learning resource at

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